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Many of Patterson's neighborhoods and streets were named after prominent early citizens of the Town. Using the interactive map, you can learn more about some of these individuals. Simple click a name to learn more about that individual.
The Havilands are often considered the first settlers in the Town. Haviland Hollow Rd. was so named because it passed through the area in which many members of the Haviland family made their homes. Benjamin Haviland may be the best known family member from the area, and settled here along with his 4 brothers, a sister, and 5 sons. Benjamin was born in 1808 and made his living as a farmer. He was also apointed a Town assessor in 1795, and later served as a Justice of the Peace for 20 years.
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Cornwall Hill Rd. was named after Samuel Cornwall, who lived and farmed the area around Cornwal Hill. Originally from Queens County, Cornwall became a prominent early citizen of the Town, serving as town clerk and an officer in Christ Church. He married a daughter of Matthew Paterson, after whom the Town was eventually named. He died in 1800 from a fall off a roof. His son, Samuel H., served as town supervisor from 1839-1840.
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Matthew Paterson was one of the early Scotts who settled in the Town. It is said tht he influenced many fellow Scotts to make their homes here. Paterson came to this country in 1752. He was an offficer in the French and Indian War, and became a tenant farmer when he moved to our Town. He remained a visible and prominent individual as a local businessman, and as a member of the Dutchess County Assebly from 1782-9. During the War of Independence, Paterson was said to have provided much help to the Continental Army, but the details are not clear. Paterson went on to become a Justice of the Peace and an active member of the Patterson Presbyterian Church. Perhaps his most "interesting" goal was an effort he lead to drain the Great Swamp for pasture land. He successfully presented a petition to the Legislature in 1792, and in 1793 £300 was allocated. Some work was apparently started, but with little success. Paterson died in 1817 at age 85, and is buried in the Maple Ave. Cemetery on NYS Rt. 311. His home still stands on NYS Rt. 311.
Did you know...Our Town is named after Matthew "Paterson", but the Town changed the spelling to add the extra "t" . There were many mail sorting errors that resulted from the confusion between Paterson, NY and Paterson, NJ.
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Couch Rd. was named after Hezekiah Couch, who made his home in the house which still stands. Couch was the first highway superintendent for the Town of Patterson, and was relative of Daruius M. Couch, who was a Major General commanding the 2D corps, Army of the Potomac at Fredricksburg and Chancellorsville, 1862-63.
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The area known as Towners was previously known as Towners Station when the Harlem and later, the New York Central Railroad had a station stop at NYS Route 164, near the crossing with the Central New England Railroad, later known as the New York and New Haven. Once both railroads had reached Towners and built stations, Towners became an important connection between the two railroads. Before that, Towners was known as Four Corners because of the two roads that intersected there at right angles. Samuel Towners served as supervisor of Franklin, as Patterson had previously been named. He owned much of the land in the area, and is believed to have donated or sold the land upon which the Patterson Baptist Church now stands on NYS Route 311. He and several family members made their home in the area that came to be known as Towners. Towners was a small hamlet that had a post office, store, and a "public house" that was owned by James Towners. Samuel Towners died in 1814 at age 70. His numerous descendents held many important positions in Patterson.
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Ludingtonville Rd. leads to the area that used to be known as Ludingtonville in the Town of Kent. Col. Henry Ludington is best known as commander of the local militia that was called by his daughter, Sybil, to defend Danbury, Connecticut during the War of Independence. More information on the military accomplishments of Col. Ludington can be found on our page on NYS Historic Markers found in Patterson. Additional information can be found on the Sybil Ludington page. But Col. Ludington is known for more than his military career. Ludingtonville was named for the mills that he built there. He also donated the timber used in the construction of a school in the Village of Patterson. He held many prominent positions in the community.
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